Jason Olsen


Jason Olsen is a multigenre writer currently living in Utah. His first poetry book, Parakeet: A Poem of Opportunity, was released in 2017. Jason is currently reading his work around the country to promote his new book, Mark Gruenwald and the Star Spangled Symbolism of Captain America, 1985–1995.


Creative Writing Textbook

Intersecting Genre: A skills-based Approach to Creative Writing, by Jason Olsen, is a multi-genre creative writing textbook unlike any other. It being published by Bloomsbury Publishing and will be released in September 2023. “Intersecting Genre holds this idea at its heart, embracing the dissolution of disciplinary and genre boundaries to discuss the ways each genre supports the others. Whilst traditional approaches typically discuss one genre independent of others, this book explores genre relationships with each chapter focusing on the intersection between 2 modes and what you can learn and the skills you can transfer by combining the wisdom gained from the study of, for example, fiction and poetry together.”

Book cover of Mark Gruenwald and the Star Spangled Symbolism of Captain America by Jason Olsen. A silhouette of Captain America facing the viewer and holding his shield. A sylized version of the American flag is in the background.

Comic Book Analysis

Mark Gruenwald and the Star Spangled Symbolism of Captain America, 1985–1995, by Jason Olsen, was published by McFarland Books in May 2021 and is now available for purchase.


Poetry Collection

Parakeet: A Poem of Opportunity, a "Choose your own adventure poem," by Jason Olsen, published by BatCat Press was released in 2017. This limited run has now sold out!